ToxicoGenomica Blog

Scientist looking at DNA

New Paper Identifies Several New Inherited Genetic Mutations in Mesothelioma Patients, Creating New Opportunities and Risks for Litigants

Some scientific findings provide both opportunities and risks for litigants in mass tort cases. The point is highlighted by a new paper by Panou and colleagues published in mid- August in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. The paper concludes that a significant proportion of patients with malignant mesotheliomas carry inherited (germline) mutations in cancer-associated genes, […]

Scientist looking at DNA

The Meso Gene [Download ACI Presentations]

The ongoing revolution in genomic science is having an impact on many facets of modern life, including toxic tort litigation. This point was apparent at the recently held American Conference Institute’s 23rd National Forum on Asbestos Claims & Litigation (May 21-23, 2018) in Chicago, where we presented in a session titled “The Meso Gene.” In […]

Litigators Guide to a Genomic Defense

The Litigator’s Guide to Using Genomics in a Toxic Tort Case

Genomics is a proven and reliable quantitative tool that has dramatically improved cancer treatment, established the practice of personalized medicine, and brought binary clarity to paternity and criminal cases. Genomics is now transforming how civil toxic tort cases are adjudicated. We have hit a tipping point where, instead of merely relying on population-based epidemiological studies, […]


Monitoring the Gut With a Pill

Today’s advances in science provide some insights into tomorrow’s science and implications for litigation.  Consider, for example, the possible implications of a “gut monitoring” pill that can be swallowed and will then send out wireless data regarding conditions encountered. As of today, the pill picture above is a real world example of such a pill. […]

Predisposition vs Susceptibility

What is the Difference Between Predisposition and Susceptibility in a Toxic Tort Case?

As the application of genomic sciences becomes common in toxic tort litigation, savvy litigators are occasionally concerned about whether genomic information may backfire on the defense or the plaintiff. For example, defense lawyers may worry that plaintiff’s counsel may argue that an exposure to a minute amount of a toxicant caused an injury through an […]

Scientist looking at DNA

Some Important Factors to Consider When Using Genomic Science in Toxic Tort Litigation

As the application of genomic science becomes more common in toxic tort litigation, savvy litigators are thinking about how statements about genetic findings may fit into legal categories or terms of art. In our view, non-scientists need to keep in mind that words used as terms of art for genetic findings are not necessarily equivalent […]

Taq polymerase PCR enzyme

Protein-Based Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs): Using Proteomics to Assess Drug Safety

Each year, adverse drug events cost millions of dollars in hospital admissions, injuries to patients, and malpractice. And companies spend billions of dollars on litigation involving allegations that their drugs caused adverse drug reactions (ADRs). What if there was a better way to determine individualized drug adverse events? Welcome to the Age of Proteomics The […]

Hand is inserting sequence of DNA. Genetic engineering, GMO and Gene manipulation concept.

Seeing is Believing – CRISPR “Cameras” and the Future of Toxic Tort Claims

Seeing is believing. And seeing into the future can be highly important for tort lawyers.  Accordingly, persons involved in manufacturing and/or the litigation industry will be well served by looking ahead to new scientific advancements that will arrive sooner than most would expect. Consider the role of seeing in many “simple” tort cases. In some […]